Healthy air and water should be a concern for all of us, not just biologists or health professionals, or business owners, or oceanographers, or politicians, - our air, our combined lane - our combined concern.
"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels." - Albert Einstein
By sharing information or ideas, by learning more about a variety of topics, I am learning more about what might be possible and sharing in hopes it might help build a future that will be healthier for humans and other species.
Creativity is about expanding possibilities, leaving more ideas to choose from - thinking what else could be done, and then the next steps are considering which might be worth expanding further into a plan or prototype.
We are born creative geniuses and the education system dumbs us down, according to NASA scientists. (
6 Steps to Productive Brainstorming, (
My lane is health, and that is part of all of life.
Ideas and information about ocean health, a series: 1. Oceans need oxygen, 2. Oxygenating the ocean's dead zone, 3. Non-traditional windmills can increase efficiency, 4. Upwelling tubes, hurricanes, and mussels. 5. Baking Soda to the rescue! - Yes really. 6. Supplementing the Ocean, 7. Mussels - Delicious and Sustainable. 8. The big picture of climate change is bigger than businesses may consider. 9. Inventions Occur in Stages. 10. Stacked Horizontal Turbines.
The series in one document, minimal images, on Google-docs: (Oxygenating the Ocean).
Disclaimer: Information is provided for educational purposes within guidelines of fair use.